Thursday, February 23, 2012

Visual Literacy ~ using Infographics

 visual literacy, or the ability to evaluate, apply, or create conceptual visual representations.

 Transform abstract thought efficiently into graphic, tangible forms

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Beauty of Algebra | Core Algebra | Khan Academy

I'm a Khan convert.  I think this resource provides teachers and students with an opportunity to differentiate and explore the "flipped classroom"  especially in mathematics. Did you know that you can become a "coach" and monitor your student progress?  And, Khan isn't just math? Check it out at:

Why “Infographic Thinking” Is The Future, Not A Fad | Co.Design: business + innovation + design

Why “Infographic Thinking” Is The Future, Not A Fad | Co.Design: business + innovation + design:

 This isn’t just "how to make some numbers and vector graphics look clever together." It’s a narrative language--it’s "representation plus interpretation to develop an idea," to quote Franchi.

What a great opportunity for math and art teachers to collaborate and provide students with engaging new ways of representing their ideas and analysis of information. I love the idea of this being a "narrative language" it's a wonderful example of "new literacies" and how we communicate visually in a digital world. Why are we still having students create powerpoints that take words or graphs from text or online and regurgitate them in a slide show...when they could be creating visual representations of their interpretation of an idea?

Francesco Franchi: On Visual Storytelling and New Languages in Journalism from Gestalten on Vimeo.