Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Google Docs New Management Tool

Today we introduced our new Google Docs management tool, Teacher Dashboard created by a company called Hapara in New Zealand. It's a great way for teachers to quickly see and access all their student documents even if students haven't shared them. The TD is flexible in how you can setup categories to organize documents, we went with traditional folders for Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, Math and Inquiry. This will hopefully, make it easier for students to organize their documents in addition to teachers. In a few weeks we will add the ePortfolio template that teacher have been working on and where students will be using to showcase their work.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Google Sites Help

Google Sites Help: by Julie Schlafer Sharma

One of the best Google Sites resources I've seen. Not only does it provide clear, relevant information on creating a Google Site, it models best practice for website design.